joi, 1 decembrie 2016

Free Ebook Download : Internet Marketing A to Z : Getting Started The Right Way

If every age in history could be called by the greatest invention of that time, this would definitely be called as the Age of the Internet. The Internet has proliferated each and every aspect of our being, and indeed, it has given a whole new dimension to the way we live on the planet. Today, for each and every thing, whether it is just about buying a toothbrush to spreading global awareness about the growing hole in the ozone layer, people are using the Internet as their medium. And, the Internet has proved to be an unrelenting medium, unfalteringly providing people what they are looking for.

Of all these different purposes that the Internet world serves, there is one very important trend that has caught on of late. This is the trend of selling and buying things over the Internet. A whole parallel world has spawned up here, a world of online entrepreneurs, who are making money out of selling things over the Internet. The money that is transacted here is immense. That is obvious. With such a huge population in the online world, it is understandable that the businesses here are huge. Below are some facts and figures of the online marketing industry as they stood in 2008. The situation has only improved since then.

Continent People Using the Internet

1. Asia 578.6 millions

2. Europe 384.6 millions

3. North America 248.2 millions

4. Latin America 139 millions

5. Africa 51 millions

6. Middle East 41.9 millions

7. Australia 20.2 millions

These statistics indicate that the vast majority of the people in the world are online right now. They are consistently using the Internet as a medium of exchange. It is certainly no wonder then that so many online marketers are trying to create a niche for their products in this world. says that 20% of the world are already on the Internet. They are using the online world in different ways, such as for communication or entertainment or networking or business. But the figures are definitely heartening. It means that 1 in 5 people in the world are using the Internet in some form or the other.

If we look at individual statistics, then we can see many more positive trends happening with the online world. Japan, for instance, has grown in the Internet world by leaps and bounds. It is among the most prolific countries in terms of Internet usage. Almost all Japanese households spend at least 10% of their budget on the Internet. On an overall scale, all over Asia, the money generated through online shopping has already crossed the $168 billion mark annually. Another Asian nation, South Korea, has the reputation of having the highest percentage of people who shop over the Internet. In this tiny nation, 99 in 100 Internet users do their shopping over the Internet. That is definitely an awesome number.

All of these things have created an upward trend in the world of Internet advertising also. Internet advertising has become a complete industry in itself today. We are already spending about $100 billion globally on advertising on the Internet. This is a mind-boggling figure! So, how do all these facts and figures help you for your personal growth? Right now, one of the most important things on most people’s agenda is to have a safe source of income—all have a bad taste in their mouth after the economic meltdown of 2008 during which company downsizing had become the norm—and a source of income that promises a steady growth.

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