sâmbătă, 3 decembrie 2016

Free Ebook Download : Introduction To Clickbank

Clickbank is an online retail outlet and an online payment processor. The products featured on Clickbank are digital products like e-books, software, and videos. It is regarded as the best place for people to buy or sell their digital products. If a person has a digital product or service that they are interested in selling, they can register at Clickbank as a publisher. As a publisher, people can make use of the over 100,000 Clickbank affiliates to find buyers for their products and multiply profits.

Individuals who would like to use the online retailer as a resource to create income can do so as an affiliate.

Clickbank affiliates are simply people who market or promote products by publishers and earn commissions.

Every publisher, whenever they publish a product, offers a certain percentage of their product’s value as commission to affiliates. Affiliates can earn commissions up to 75 percent. The payment technology that Clickbank uses allows any publisher or vendor or seller to automatically pay commissions on sales to any affiliate that successfully links a paying customer to that seller. The customer is billed by Clickbank, then the seller is paid and then the affiliate. Clickbank maintains security and quality control over each and every transaction.

Advantages of Clickbank for Vendors/Sellers/Publishers

Clickbank offers many advantages for e-commerce businesspeople. The following are some of those advantages.

Credit Card Payment Acceptance Without Merchant Account

If you are selling an e-book or software and do not have a merchant account, Clickbank allows you to sell your product and accept credit card payments without having to get yourself a merchant account. You can even accept e-checks or online checks. Although Clickbank does require a fee, the ease of being able to accept credit card payments is definitely worth it.

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How Add Photoshop Like Features to WordPress in just 1 Click using FotoPress


The biggest problem with Wordpress has been that their image/media features are TERRIBLE.


They haven't updated those in a long long time.

That's why Ankur and Raul created what I call is the...

 PHOTOSHOP for WORDPRESS and we've named it FotoPress.


Its adds a complete image editing suite right inside your wordpress site

that will allow you...


Search from over 2 million images you can use on your site.

These are Royalty-free images from 4 different sources.

Quickly EDIT images just like PHOTOSHOP.


Not just that...


It has LAYERS just like Photoshop for advanced graphics work.

Add Instagram like effects to images - make them stand out & look cool.

FIX images - never have to fire up a photo editing software again.


All wordpress sites badly need this feature and thats why you need to check it out today..


Every time you create a post or a page, wordpress site owners and content creators add at least one or two images.


Now you can FIND, EDIT, CREATE & INSERT any number of images from right within wordpress.


Never have to leave your site.


Never have to go looking for images or fire up a photo software.


Every wordpress site needs this.


It's what is MISSING from every wordpress site and this makes your site complete.


WP FotoPress Demo Video

How to Add Photoshop INSIDE Your Wordpress Site using FotoPress image editor



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HTML 101 Kickstart Video 3 Open and Close Tags in html and how to use them

HTML 101 Kickstart Video 3 Open and Close Tags in html and how to use them

In this particular video you will learn the basic open and close tags. By understanding this concept and how HTML is structured, it will make more sense as you begin to dive in head-first.

This 9-part video course is designed to show you how you can quickly and easily learn the basics of HTML so you can survive the online world.  

You can watch the entire video course here :


For a large collection of tools that you can use to automate your online "jobs" you could visit the IM Tips channel :



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How To Build A Highly Profitable Ecommerce Business using Sellosity Rapid Store Builder

How To Build A Highly Profitable Ecommerce Business using Sellosity Rapid Store Builder


Get Instant Access To Everything You’ll Ever Need To Build A Highly-Profitable Ecommerce Business - Without Paying Hundreds Of Dollars A Month For Apps!

Frustrated by the limited functionality and outrageous monthly fees associated with other ecommerce platforms, we built Sellosity to solve the problems we were experiencing in our own business.

Discover How You Can Leverage The Power Of Smart Commerce To Get YOUR Share Of A Rapidly-Growing $2.3 TRILLION Dollar Ecommerce Goldmine.

Sellosity is the result of more than 2 years of development… and today is your very last chance to get your hands on it to:

Save yourself a fortune in monthly fees a third-party platform would charge you just to host your store, because now you'll host it yourself!

Finally put an end to the ongoing fees these third-party platforms demand for basic apps and add-ons that should be included anyway, hence why Sellosity includes absolutely everything you need to build a successful ecommerce business out-of-the-box!

Benefit from all the tools, resources and step-by-step training you need to get off to the very best possible start with your new ecommerce business!

Get out of the firing line of hackers and cyber attacks that hosting your store on a third-party platform drags you into (just think back to October 21st!)

This is a golden opportunity to get your slice of what is already a $2.3 trillion dollar industry. In other words, this isn't a market that needs to be created, or that we need to wait for.

All that money is ALREADY out there. And now, with Sellosity, some of it can be yours:

It's not often a product comes along that truly flips an industry on its head, but this is definitely one of those times.

Isn't it about time you got a slice of the action, too?



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Free Ebook Download : Outsourcing for Internet Marketers

As an internet marketer it’s very tempting to try and do everything yourself. This is especially so in the early days when funds are tight and you simply don’t have the money to pay someone else to do stuff for you. But it’s easy for the workload from your internet business to completely spiral out of control… Writing articles, writing ebooks, answering customer emails, making blog posts, writing on forums, creating sales letters, graphics…. Doing all of these things takes up a considerable amount of time and effort; not to mention skill! Before you know where you are, you’re working 12 hour days and you are spending FAR more time working in front of the computer than you EVER did as an employee. … and you thought starting an online business was the key to a better lifestyle, eh?

Well it IS – but as your business grows you need to realize (and FAST) that you simply can’t do everything yourself. Just look at some of the biggest and most successful companies in the world. Do you think Richard Branson (founder of the Virgin Group) built his business by doing everything himself? Of course not! He realized very early on that in order to grow his business he needed to employ people to do lots of the day-to-day stuff. The same is true of the top internet marketers. People like Lee McIntyre or John Thornhill hire people all the time to do work for them. If they didn’t do this then their businesses wouldn’t be anywhere near as successful as they are. It’s actually a false economy to do everything yourself. When you think about it, not every task in your business is equal. When you look at what makes up most of the income from your online business you’ll find that the majority of it comes from certain things…. Things like sending out emails to your list. Creating and selling products. Putting out special promotions. Etc.

Then there are tasks like answering customer emails, bookmarking, driving traffic to your websites etc., which are ALL essential things, but they aren’t what directly brings in your income or enables you to grow your business. Once your business reaches a certain size you could easily end up spending 5 hours a day JUST answering customer emails. Of course you can’t let customer emails go unanswered BUT it would maybe make far more sense to outsource it to someone else. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend outsourcing ALL your customer support btw. Some of it might need to come from you but things like TECHNICAL support etc could definitely be outsourced to a virtual assistant.

If you spend your days JUST doing things like this then it doesn’t leave any time to grow your business. Things are going to remain pretty static and it just doesn’t make sound business sense. There’s something else that comes into play too… We’re all good at certain things and BAD at others. For example, I’m good at writing a sales page and I can do it pretty quickly, but creating graphics for my websites? Whilst I CAN do it, the results of my work are never that good and it takes me an AGE to complete.

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Using PLR articles , E-books, for your content is a big time saver but don’t forget to spin your articles , rewrite them. We use 2 spinners on a daily basis :

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vineri, 2 decembrie 2016

How to start an online business IM Newbie the most complete newbie training for marketers

How to start an online business IM Newbie the most complete newbie training for marketers


If you’re looking for a step by step business system that will help you build a business without all the struggle and strain you may have experienced before, then you really want to take a look at this.

IM Newbie is a 5 module, 30 part over the shoulder video and PDF training program designed for new marketers who are just starting out with their online business.

These five modules include all of the "Newbie" training needed to get started online.

1. Hosting & Website Cpanel - In this module, learn how to setup a hosted website from scratch including Email Account setup, Installing Databases and File & System Management.

2. WordPress - Learn how to setup your first webpage. Select a theme, install plugins and create your first blog.

3. List Building - Learn how to create a squeeze page, setup your autoresponder system, and build your list.

4. Social Media & Branding  - Setting up social media accounts and integrating social media in your emails and blogs.

5. Getting Started With Free Traffic - Learn how to take advantage of free traffic sources.

Kevin Fahey, has cracked the code on how to help those who are new to internet marketing earn their first dollars online. Kevin was once in your shoes, so he understands completely what it’s like. Learning the jargon and learning all the technology involved to build a new business online can be really overwhelming, especially if you barely know how to turn on a computer.

First, this is a step by step training system that tackles the basics. This includes understanding the jargon of internet marketing and understanding how to do simple tasks like build a Wordpress blog. Once you learn the basics, which also include list building and internet marketing, then you can use these techniques to scale your income.

Kevin takes you through the basic steps so you build a solid foundation for your new business. It begins with a step by step guide. You’ll also receive over the shoulder videos that explain everything in depth. He literally takes you by the hand every step of the way.

Don’t have a lot of money to get started? He tackles that one too by showing you multiple free traffic methods to help you promote your new business so you get traffic. This is the real key here: to get sales, you need traffic.



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How to start an online business IM Newbie the most complete newbie training for marketers7

How to start an online business IM Newbie the most complete newbie training for marketers7


If you’re looking for a step by step business system that will help you build a business without all the struggle and strain you may have experienced before, then you really want to take a look at this.

IM Newbie is a 5 module, 30 part over the shoulder video and PDF training program designed for new marketers who are just starting out with their online business.

These five modules include all of the "Newbie" training needed to get started online.

1. Hosting & Website Cpanel - In this module, learn how to setup a hosted website from scratch including Email Account setup, Installing Databases and File & System Management.

2. WordPress - Learn how to setup your first webpage. Select a theme, install plugins and create your first blog.

3. List Building - Learn how to create a squeeze page, setup your autoresponder system, and build your list.

4. Social Media & Branding  - Setting up social media accounts and integrating social media in your emails and blogs.

5. Getting Started With Free Traffic - Learn how to take advantage of free traffic sources.

Kevin Fahey, has cracked the code on how to help those who are new to internet marketing earn their first dollars online. Kevin was once in your shoes, so he understands completely what it’s like. Learning the jargon and learning all the technology involved to build a new business online can be really overwhelming, especially if you barely know how to turn on a computer.

First, this is a step by step training system that tackles the basics. This includes understanding the jargon of internet marketing and understanding how to do simple tasks like build a Wordpress blog. Once you learn the basics, which also include list building and internet marketing, then you can use these techniques to scale your income.

Kevin takes you through the basic steps so you build a solid foundation for your new business. It begins with a step by step guide. You’ll also receive over the shoulder videos that explain everything in depth. He literally takes you by the hand every step of the way.

Don’t have a lot of money to get started? He tackles that one too by showing you multiple free traffic methods to help you promote your new business so you get traffic. This is the real key here: to get sales, you need traffic.



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